Moving to a new home presents a whole bunch of opportunities. Perhaps you have a new job, but you definitely have a new neighborhood, a new chance to decorate, and a fresh new home to make your own! You’re already pretty clear about which items you want to bring to your new home, but what should you do with the rest? That heirloom tea set, those chairs from your grandmother’s home, it’s all too precious to donate. But should you put it in storage or sell it? Here are some criteria you can use to help you make this tricky decision.

Does it have sentimental or family value?

Even though you may never have a tea party worthy of that ten-person service from WWII, the family and sentimental value are worth keeping around. If you’re pressed for space, pack it up well and bring it to a
pack them in a wardrobe box and store them in a climate-controlled unit to keep them safe. Then you can enjoy them when you’re ready.

Is it something you could fairly easily replace?

Even if you really love that overstuffed leather armchair, it may not make sense to put it in storage. Instead? Sell your chair while it’s in good shape. Then later down the road, you can purchase another overstuffed armchair (maybe in a different color!) if you decide that it will go with your home decor.

Will it survive time in a storage unit?

Some things are just too fragile to spend a long time packed away in boxes in a storage unit. Even climate-controlled units might not be quite good enough for certain types of art, delicate clothing, or specialized electronics. So if you’re wondering whether to put that delicate parchment artwork in storage or sell it, it’s probably best to get your art dealer on the phone.

storage Should you put it in storage or sell it?

Do you plan to use it again?

Sometimes the purpose of putting something in storage is to just tuck it away until you’re ready for it. If you’re saving toys or clothes from your first child until your second is big enough, give everything a good wash and dry. Then tuck it away in some large plastic tubs — no question! For things that you plan to use again in the fairly immediate future, storage is the way to go. Then you already know that you have what you need!

Will it go out of style?

When it comes to designer clothing, this decision could go either way. Some pieces are timeless and could be taken out of storage after a year and worn flawlessly. Some pieces won’t translate that well. If you’re not sure that your clothing will be something you want to wear again in a year, err on the side of selling it while it’s still in style and someone else can enjoy it! For those classic pieces pack them in a wardrobe box and store them in a climate-controlled unit to keep them safe. Then you can enjoy them when you’re ready.

put it in storage or sell it Should you put it in storage or sell it?

Do you have time to sell it?

Sometimes the decision is less about the value of the items and more about how much time you want to spend on selling. If you want to get a reasonable price, finding a buyer may take some time depending on the method of sale. Selling undoubtedly takes more effort than asking your professional movers to tuck things away in your storage unit, so if you’re crunched for time, storage may be your best bet. Then you can decide what to sell at another point in time.

Are you just uncertain?

When in doubt, put it in storage. You can decide later, once the bustle of moving is complete, what you want to do with your belongings. Sell them then, if you wish! If you sell them before your move and then change your mind, you’re unfortunately out of luck. Using a storage unit as a stopover during your moving process is a helpful way to ensure that you make the right decisions about your belongings.
So should you put it in storage or sell it? Up to you! But FlatRate Moving can help you find a storage unit to suit your needs. We’re here to make your move stress-free.

Categories: Moving Company, Storage