There are two reasons why you may be painting your walls: you are trying to get your full deposit back at your current rental or you are putting a personal touch on your new place. Either way, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Moving advice is pretty easy to come by, but no one seems to ever touch on this important topic. A bad paint job will ruin the aesthetic of a room. These tips will come in handy, especially if you are trying to bring your vision to life in your new place.

Things You Will Need

The list of things you need could vary, but this will give you an idea:

  • Tools – Rollers, brushes, putty knife, towels, sponge, extension pole, ladder, paint tray, 5-gallon bucket
  • Materials – High-quality latex paint, primer, drop cloth, painter’s tape, sandpaper or sanding sponge, and spackling compound.

Prepare the Walls

To get a professional-looking finish you need to start by properly prepping the walls. Use a spackling compound to repair and fill imperfections and holes. Once the spackling is dry, 220-grit sandpaper will smooth the area. You want it to be flush with the rest of the surface.

You also want to use your dusting attachment on your vacuum and dust the walls. You will be surprised at what accumulates on them. Get those cobwebs in the corners, and if the walls need washing you might as well do them.

Painter’s Tape Application

Painter’s tape will become your best friend. Its purpose is to protect areas that you do not want to paint, such as baseboards, crown molding, window sills, and door frames. It is easily removed without causing damage. Always apply the tape in short strips that slightly overlap, and press down firmly.

Prep the Area

Move furniture and décor pieces out of the way, and place drop cloths on the floor. It does not matter how careful you are, drips are inevitable. You do not want to forget the drop cloths. Plastic is cheap, but it is not absorbent. So, if there is a spill and you step on it, you will track it through the house. Canvas is best.

“Cut In” Your Room

Use a paintbrush to create an outline that is about 3 inches thick around the room. This will save you from trying to get the roller right up to the edges. Some people prefer to only “cut in” the one wall they are actually painting, and then they move on to the next one. This is fine, too!

Paint the Walls

Providing you have purchased a quality paint that also doubles as a primer you can get started painting your wall. If you opt for cheap paint, it may seem like a good idea, but it will add another step. Do not even think about skipping the priming process either or your walls will look awful. Roll in a small area that is very manageable. Start at the ceiling and work to the floor. Take the time to blend sections as you progress.

Your roller should be nicely covered in paint, but not dripping. Some are under the impression that you are supposed to paint straight up and down, but this is the biggest mistake you can make as it makes it very difficult to blend.

Remove the Tape

The most important moving advice regarding painting to remember is to remove your painter’s tape after about 20 or 30 minutes. Contrary to popular belief you are not supposed to wait until the paint is fully dry because this makes it harder to pull away from the wall without compromising your fresh paint job. Pull at a 45-degree angle, and as long as you applied it in short strips, as mentioned above, you will have a flawless finish.

Categories: Home Advice