There’s so much to do when moving. Our experts have been through it all and have compiled a list of ways to help manage moving stress.

How stressful is moving? Ask any of your family and friends and you will get the same answer: SUPER STRESSFUL. From overstuffed basements and attics to go through to terrible, unscrupulous moving companies to weather-related delays, moving can be a headache and a half.

But it doesn’t have to be. Managing moving stress is key to making the transition from one home to another as seamless as possible. You need a plan, time to execute the plan, and the resources to execute the plan.

That is why it is so important to have a lot of faith in your moving company. You are entrusting them with all of your belongings. That is a great responsibility, one that FlatRate takes very seriously. The company has a long tradition of reliability to fall back onIf you don’t have the right movers in place to take care of your transition, plenty of funny business can ensue.

Moving Horror Stories

A man, let’s call him Stanley, moved his wife and two kids to their first house and did not find the most reliable movers. The name of the moving company escapes me, but the truck was loaded at their original home with no problem, but when it arrived at the new house, the foreman attempted to renegotiate the terms before unloading. He kept the truck locked and demanded more money, effectively taking Stanley’s possessions hostage.

Cops were called, heated words were exchanged and, eventually, all the stuff was unloaded with little repercussions. But the incident underscores just how important it is to thoroughly research your moving company options and go with one that is vetted and reliable.

Karla and James were moving to a big city and tried to save money by loading up the family minivan and schlepping everything they owned across town. You can guess what happened next. The minivan broke down three blocks away from their old place. So they had to bring all their boxes and furniture back into the old apartment and watch as the new tenant moved in around them.

They had to get the van towed to a repair place and call their uncle to come in from the suburbs with his pickup to get everything to their new apartment.

Stressful moving stories usually can be boiled down to choosing the wrong moving company. With FlatRate’s expertise and experience, you won’t end up as the subject of a crazy cocktail party anecdote about the stress of moving.

The Whole Process

But it is not just the day of the move that can be scary. How stressful is moving can be determined by how long you have lived in your house. Leaving a community where you have roots is a fear-inducing experience. Your neighborhood is familiar. Your neighbors are people you see on a regular basis. You know exactly how to handle the guy next door when he wants to talk for too long.

Leaving all that familiar territory can bring up some strong emotions. What if the Jones across the street is not as friendly as the Millers from my old neighborhood? Where is the best pizza place? All these questions can have a disquieting effect.

Figuring out your new commute, helping the kids adjust to a new school or a new routine, and switching all your information with banks and official institutions can be the most stressful part of moving.

It all adds up to a lot of headaches. FlatRate can provide some relief. We have packing and unpacking services, a Move Plan that covers every aspect of the job, and even a service that will move and install your flatscreen for you. All that can help you.

Stay Organized

You need to make a list of everything you need. From boxes to packing tape to scissors to finding a moving company to the stress of packing, it is a lot to keep straight.

Create a Moving Binder

You need a one-stop place for every piece of moving-related paper, every appointment, every receipt. Having a Trapper Keeper-style binder with folders and pockets will help you keep all the paperwork in one place.

You can keep your Move Plan from FlatRate in the binder, as a reminder of exactly what you need to do and when to do it. It will also serve as peace of mind, since it guarantees that you will have a good experience and you will pay the rate you agreed to, as long as the inventory doesn’t fluctuate too much.

Label, Label, Label

If you start the packing process early (and you should) everything should be labeled according to a system. Use colored labels for the kitchen boxes, dining room boxes, living room boxes, basement boxes, attic boxes, bedroom boxes, and bathroom boxes.

Knowing where everything is will help you stay sane and it will help the movers know exactly where to place everything when they are unloading the truck.

Priority Planning

Figure out what needs to be done first to get the big stuff out of the way. Purge your house of any old clothes or unnecessary stuff that you don’t want to lug all the way to your new digs. Start packing the basement and the attic first and ask yourself some hard questions about how to purge what you don’t need.

Focus on the Kids

Children are going to be especially sensitive during this time. Moving stresses them out just as much as it, does you. Take time to pay attention to them and try to make the move as painless as possible for the little ones.

Oftentimes, children don’t have the words to express what they are feeling. It is essential to be cognizant of any behavioral changes, as these can be a result of an impending, current, or completed move.

Give your child a bit more latitude when it comes to bringing along a favorite toy or game to help them ease into the process. In our experience, many parents will hone in on all of the positives of the relocation, however, consider focusing on keeping the child in the present moment. Explain to them, in great detail, what is happening and why. This is a great distraction tool, and older children, tend to appreciate the explanation.

Pet Problems

The move is going to be hard on any animals you have in the house as well. Go on any moving message board and you will hear stories about how the family dog is stressed after a move. And the cat is not finding its new home up to its specifications. Cats can be very fickle. Be sure to have appropriate housing for the family pets during the move day and transition them into the new environment slowly.

Additional Ways to Minimize Moving Stress

  • Take Some Time for Yourself
    Give yourself a moment to breathe. All this running around and planning and packing can really take a toll. It helps to be able to slow down and keep yourself sane with a breathing session.
  • Get Plenty of Sleep
    Make sure you are well-rested during the moving stages and that you keep your diet healthy. It can be easy to slip into bad habits, but the stress of moving can be combated with healthy behaviors.
  • Be Prepared for Anything
    Something will probably go wrong. Even with all the planning, there will probably be a flat tire the day of the move or an unexpected snowstorm, or an address that doesn’t get changed. Get ready to roll with it. Flexibility is your friend.
  • Say Goodbye a Little Bit at a Time
    You might want to have one last goodbye party for the house. That is fine, but it makes sense to say goodbye to friends and neighbors gradually, to ease the pain of the transition.

How stressful moving is can be mitigated by you and your behavior. It just takes some careful thought and proper planning to get the transition done without pulling your hair out. Let FlatRate help you manage that stress.